2020 AAJS Conference
Sydney Jewish Museum
‘Imagining Jews: Jewish Imaginings’
Welcome by Avril Alba
International Keynote Address by Prof Sander L. Gilman: You, Too, Could Walk Like a Gentile: Jews and Posture
Andreas Gehringer: “Love Thy Neighbour”: Nuances of Christian-Jewish Relations
Anna Rosenbaum: Images of Jews in 1950s Czechoslovakia
Oscar Lansen: Israeliet-Hudiu-Stinkie: Dutch Imaginings and Sephardic Acculturation in the Netherlands and the Dutch West Indies, 1650-1940
Jonathan C. Kaplan: The Jew in the City and the Goy in the Province: Vienna as a Dangerous Jewish Metropolis
David Slucki: In Heroic Struggle: Survivor Publications in the Postwar Decades
Christin Zuhlke: “Like Sheep to the Slaughter”? The Perspective of the Sonderkommando in Auschwitz-Birkenau
Clare Stace: Imaginings of Self: Evolving Oral Histories
Miriam Munz: Images from That Time, in Those Places
Suzanne D. Rutland: The Jewish Lobby: Power and Powerlessness as It Played Out in Australia of the 1990s
Yona Gilead: Students’ Jewish Identity Imagined within a Broader Social and Cultural World
Emma Carolan: A Holy Land? Evolving Australian Catholic Church Perceptions of the State of Israel
Lynne Swarts: Imagining Women in the Work of Ephraim Moses Lilien at the German Fin de Siecle
Nathan J. Timpano: Imagining the Nesi’at Kapayim: Egon Schiele, Max Oppenheimer, and the Viennese Jewish Body
Shoshanna Jordan: Jewish Imaginings through Art
Don Perlgut: Confessions of a Jewish Film Critic: Thirty Years of Professional Australian Jewish Film Reviewing
Anna Hueneke: Reimagining an Oral Tradition
Jan Poddebsky: The Jewish Divine Femme Fatale
Antoinette Collins: Sabbath Imaginings. Can the Sabbath Save the Earth? Selected Biblical and Cross-Cultural Reflections on the Jewish Sabbath and the Saving of the Environment
Gili Kugler: Portraying the Ultimate Hated – Amalek
Marianne Dacy: Jews as Seen by the Greeks and Romans
Cocktail reception and chance to tour museum exhibits
Evening public address by Prof Sander L. Gilman: How Did Anti-Semitism and Racism Become Mental Illnesses? From Anti-Semitic Vienna to Segregated Topeka, Kansas, and Beyond
Australian Keynote Address by Emer Prof Konrad Kwiet: Holocaust Landscapes: The Transformation of a Jewish Space
Adam Weizer: “Every Conceivable Kind of Illness”: A Comparative Study of Franz Schreker’s The Distant Sound and Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice
Jana Vytrhlik: Imagining the Temple of Solomon: An Unexpected Link with the Jews in Australia in the 1840s
Nicola Woodhead: Imagining the Kindertransport: Transmigrant Kinder Life Narratives
Jakub Bronec: Cultural and Spiritual Imagery through the Postwar Jewish Generations in Relation to Material Heritage. Comparative Study of Czechoslovakia and Luxembourg, 1945-90
Max Kaiser and Lisa Milner: “Them Songs Are Dangerous”: The Jewish Left, Palestine, and the Radical Theatrical Imagination
Aviva Halamish: Who Are You, the Zionist “New Jew”?
Ran Porat: Tough Love: Ausraeli (Israelis in Australia) Diasporic Citizenship Perceptions on Israel
Laura Kevan: Fritz Schonbach Imagines Australia
Anna Hirsh: In the Image of the Image: Figurative Sculpture by Holocaust Survivors
Joseph Toltz: Transcendent Innocence: Red-Riding-Hood Redeemed
Danielle Raffaele: Jewish Imaginings in Non-Jewish Mediums: Harry Potter as a Paradigm for Teaching Themes of Race, Antisemitism, and Morality in the Holocaust (and Beyond)
Andrew Fogel: “The Myth That Threatens America”: Efforts by Activist Institutions to Diversify Mass Entertainment in 1945
Raphael Rauch: Janina David – The Most Famous Australian Jew in Germany
Peter Lanchidi: Judaism as the Source of Civilisation and Freemasonry – Rabbi Alexander Barnard Davis and a Kabbalistic Lithograph
Vicky Schinkel: Jewish Imaginings: Multiple Interpretations of Being and Becoming
Samuel Wan: “These Days of Purim Will Not Cease…”: The Mask of G-d and His People: A Practical Theological Comparative Study of the Use of Masks in Jewish Portrayal of Jewish Suffering In and Implications to Post-Holocaust Jewish Faith and Celebrations
Sonja M. Hedgepeth: The Lurking Monster: Antisemitic Portrayals of Jews in Gustav Meyrink’s Der Golem
Anat Gueta: Y. L. Pinsker and His Psychiatry: Diagnosis of Anti-Semitisms
Francois Soyer: A Pedagogy of Faith and Hatred: The Blood Libel in Illustrated Books and Comics for Children in Twentieth Century Spain
Myer Samra: Biographies of Iraqi Jews in Australia
Anne Sarzin: Dr Fanny Reading Imagines the New Jewish Woman in Australia
Marcia Pinskier: Looking in the Mirror: Reflections on Jewish Leadership
Book Launch: Lynne Swarts, Gender, Orientalism, and the Jewish Nation: Women in the Work of Ephraim Moses Lilien at the German Fin de Siecle