2022 AAJS Conference

‘Jewish History in a Global Context: Telling Transnational Stories’
Deakin University, Melbourne
13-15 February
Welcome to Country
Welcome by Professor David Lowe, Contemporary Histories Research Group, Deakin University
Welcome by Professor Ghil’ad Zuckermann, AAJS President
Keynote Lecture by Prof Debórah Dwork, CUNY: Flight and Exile: Challenges of Jewish Refugee Life, 1933-1953
Suzanne D. Rutland: Creating Transnational Connections: Isi Leibler and Jetset
Inja Stracenski: Heaven Knows No Country, Nor Does the Earth: Danilo Kiš
Russell Goldflam: Baggage Claims
Aviva Kipen: Rabbinic Ordination: Remote Semikha in COVID Times
Simon Holloway: “A Knowledge of All Things”: Daat Torah as an Evolving Framework for Rabbinic Authority
Dovi Seldowitz: What a Schlep! Transnational Marriages of Habad-Lubavitch in Australia
Roundtable chaired by Yona Gilead: Modern Hebrew Teaching and Learning
Rachel Perry: Hersh Fenster’s Yizkor Book Our Martyred Artists as Portable Memorial
Agata Dąbrowska: Theatre with(out) Borders
Vera Leininger: “Shalom! Educate Yourself!” or How Ideas Crossed Borders in the 19th Century
Magdalena Bak: Between Love of One’s Native Country and Cosmopolitanism: Triple Identity of German-Speaking Jews in Prague in the 20th Century as Reflected in Georg Mannheimer’s and Lenka Reinerová’s Literary Works
Pauline Cockrill: Telling Transnational Stories at the Adelaide Holocaust Museum
Jennifer Barrett and Avril Alba: Making Sense of the Holocaust and Human Rights in the Museum: Transnational Approaches
Evangeline Jarman: Transnational Negotiations: The Stanwix Collection as a Site of Transition, Discussion, and Mediation
Anna Hirsh: Migrating Objects: Materiality and Meaning
Emily Gottreich: Mobilising the Jewish Past for the Muslim Future: Jewish Heritage from North Africa to Southeast Asia
Robin Buller: Transnational Sephardism: Ottoman Jews and the Question of Palestine in Interwar Paris
Meredith Scott: Jewish Refugees and French Internment Camps at the Outset of World War II
Jason Schulman: Jewish Suicide in Colonial and Early Federation Australia, 1860-1920
Sara Yael Hirschhorn: New Day in Babylon and Jerusalem: Zionism, Jewish Power, and Identity Politics
Sandra Gruner-Domić: Transnational Stories of Jewish Migration to Bolivia
Katherine Biber, Sara Dehm, and Ana Vrdoljak: Journeys and Legacies of Jewish Emigre Lawyers in Australia
Ghil’ad Zuckermann, Leah Kaminsky, and Alice Nelson: Melech Ravitch’s Transnational Story: The 1933 Plan to Establish a Jewish State in the Northern Territory, Australia
Paul Bartrop: Rescuing Norwegian Jewish Children during the Holocaust: The Case of the Oslo Children’s Home
Georgina Fitzpatrick: A Mourning Brooch, Journeys “Home” and Shipwrecks: A Transnational Story
Ebony Nilsson: “On the Individual Merits of the Applicant”: ASIO and the Naturalisation of Left-Wing Jewish Migrants
John Zeleznikow: Cafe Scheherazade in Melbourne as a Haven for Holocaust Survivors: From Poland to France to Australia
Benjamin Elton: How English? The Anglo-Jewish Tradition in Australian Synagogues
Jana Vytrhlik: The Great Synagogue in Sydney: A Little Known Transnational Story of Architecture
Catherine Townsend, Alan Pert, and Philip Goad: Austria to the Antipodes: Curating a Transnational History of 20th Century Art, Design, and Architecture
Student five-minute thesis presentations
Kathy Baykitch: Jewish Transnational Dance Stories: From Ausdruckstanz to Dance Theatre
Dvir Abramovich: The Novels of Ka-Tzetnik
Jonathan C. Kaplan: “Made in Vienna”: Dress, Self-Fashioning, and Jewishness, 1900-1938
Keynote panel with Luke Keogh (Chair), Harriet Edquist, Philip Goad, and Andrea Witcomb: Telling Transnational Stories through Galleries, Archives, Museums, and Heritage Places
Alexandru Bar: Dada Lingua Franca: The Linguistic Choices of Tristan Tzara
Katarzyna Kwapisz Williams: Rethinking Borders: Blended Stories and Holocaust Memory in Australia
Ofer Idels: International Emotions: Hebrew Athletic Experience and the Jewish Encounter with the Modern World
Verena Buser: Hachshara in Nazi Germany: From Niederschönhausen to Australia
Amy Williams and Bill Niven: Personal Transnational Memory: Kindertransport Memories
Andrea Meyer Ludowisy: Archive Fever in Exile?
Closing remarks
Evening drinks