2023 AAJS Conference

‘The Arts, Jews and Wellbeing’
Flinders University, Adelaide
12-14 February
Pre Conference Program and other activities
‘Yetzirah – Artistic Creation’ An exhibition of artworks by members of the South Australian Jewish community. Beit Shalom Synagogue, Hackney. Sunday 12 February, 10am-8pm; Monday 13 February, 10am-6pm
Tour of Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Andrew Steiner Education Centre (AHMSEC)
Sunday in Conversation @ AHMSEC – Telling stories of the Holocaust through art and poetry. Tamas Lorincz, Educator Coordinator, in conversation with Andrew Steiner OAM and Margaret Blades.
Conference Day 1
Acknowledgement of Country
Welcome by Dr Tully Barnett, Flinders University
Welcome by Professor Ghil’ad Zuckermann, AAJS President
Keynote Lecture by Rebecca Guber, Asylum Arts: The Role of Artists in Shaping Culture and Sharing Jewish Stories
Mélanie Maillot: Poetry as an Expression of the Jewish Condition in the Maghreb: The Case of Jeanne Benguigui
Seth Kunin: Narrative and Poetic Material Texts by a Crypto-Jew
Lucy Stone: From Antisemitism to Atonement: Tracing Tomi Ungerer’s Artistic Responses to the Holocaust from Boy- to Adulthood
Suzanne D. Rutland: ‘Building the Arts Life in the Country’: Jewish Refugee and Survivor Artists in Australia
Kathy Baykitch: The Healing Power of Dance: Hanny Exiner, Refugee Dance Artist
Angelica Jacob: Representations of Jewish Diversity in the Arts within the Australian Jewish Community
Dvir Abramovich, Jasmine Beinart: The Modern Face of Jew Hatred: Antisemitism in Australia in the 21st Century
Margie Fisher, Russell Goldflam, Macintyre Howie-Reeves: Reimagining Jewish Stories through Live Performance
Dovi Seldowitz: The Lost Moses of Ancient Jewish Theatre: A Problem beyond Text or Memory
Marianne Dacy: Signs of the Zodiac in Hammath Tiberias, Sepphoris and Beit Alpha
Sandy Habib: Drawing a Simple, Universal Picture of the Story of Creation: A Theo-Linguistic Analysis of Genesis 1
Haggai Mazuz: Sambari’s Description of the Synagogues in Egypt – How Reliant Was It on al-Maqrīzī?
Lynne Swarts: Uncanny Parallels: Images of Race Hatred and Antisemitism in the Time of COVID
Vassilios Adrahtas: Giulio Caimi (1897-1982): The Intercultural Art of a Greek Jew
Alexandru Bar: Representation of Disillusion and Suffering in the Art of Marcel Janco
Clive Kennard: Cultural Hebraism, British Nationhood, and the Welfare of Simeon Solomon, the Jewish Artist, 1868-1873
Songs of Fire and Sacred Fire, a performance by Anna Hueneke, AHMSEC
Conference Function / Drinks
Conference Day 2
Anna Rosenbaum: Redemption: Musicians during the Shoah
Evangeline Jarman: Dr Hans Briner and the West Australian Symphony Orchestra
Pauline Cockrill: Strings Attached: How Jewish Emigrés Transformed Adelaide’s Musical Landscape
Lisa Harper Campbell: The Curious & The Conspiratorial: The Holocaust as Fable in JoJo Rabbit (2019) and Hunters (2020)
Jonathan Kaplan: The Art of Dressing: Jews, Tailoring and the Performance of Respectability
Arek Dybel: Jewish History through the Lens of Multimedia Narratives – Opportunities and Challenges
Jasmine Beinart: Antisemitism in the Arts in the 21st Century
Basia Vucic: Janusz Korczak – The Open Window
Pei Ann Yeoh: Swan Song – Poetry Ensemble Performance
Keynote address by Kevin Sumption PSM: The Challenges of Re-imagining a Holocaust Museum for the Use of Both the Jewish Community and the General Public
Geraldine Bloustien: Filling the Absences of Jewish Identity in Post-War Poland through the Legacy of Music
Amy Worth: Jews and Preserving Art – Collections
Tully Barnett: Arts and Health Work in South Australia: Some Findings from the Flinders University Arts and Health Alliance
A panel chaired by Professor Ghil’ad Zuckermann, including Lavinia Richards (member of the Stolen Generation) and Shania Richards (young Barngarla woman): Barngarla Aboriginal Linguicide and Stolen Generations, Language Reclamation, Art and Wellbeing
Closing remarks
Closing performance: Baggage Claims by Russell Goldflam, The Lab, Light Square