AAJS 1987 Conference
Brian Abrahamson: The Life-Spans of the Antediluvian Patriarchs
Philip Alexander: Text and Interpretation in Early Rabbinic Judaism: A Critical Survey of Modern Descriptive Theories of Midrash
Rev. Robert Anderson: Anti-Semitism in the New Testament: The Present State of the Debate
Paul Bartrop: The Australian Government's 'Liberalisation' of Refugee Immigration Policy in 1938: Fact or Myth?
Anne Beaglehole: Refugees from Hitler in New Zealand
Ilana Beer: The Jewish Woman and the Mitzvot
Kathryn Brown: 'Order' and 'Chaos': Religious Themes in Osip Mandelstam
Charlotte Carr-Gregg: Buro Miss Livingstone: Berlin 1937-39
John Carr-Gregg: Escape from Vichy France: Emergency Rescue Committee, 1940-41
Leon Cebon: Psychoanalysis and the Kabbala
Sr. Antoinette Collins: The Cleansing of the Temple by Jesus: Was This Event Part of a Ritual Passover or Festival Cleansing?
Simon Cowen: The Roots of Jewish Belief
Maurice Eisenbruch: Patterns of Survival Among Jewish Victims of the Holocaust and Cambodian Victims of Pol Pot
Lionel Fredman: To Find the 'Hand Unseen': Guidelines for Australian Jewish History
Anne Gardner: The Song of Praise in the Book of Judith
John Gatt-Rutter: Italo Svevo: Pseudo-Jew or Pseudo-Gentile?
Michael Gillis: The Reasons for the Commandments in Rabbi Soloveichik and Rav Kook, and their Critique of Maimonides
Glen Gordan: The Shomrim News: A Forum for Sydney's Zionist Youth (1941)
Rodney Goutttman: Attitudes of the Australian Communist Party to Jews and Israel
R Maurice Hazan: Is Divine Behaviour Justified in the Absence of Lack of Communication between Creator and Creation?
John Howes: Klausner, Dodd and Manson on the Pharisees and Jesus
W J Jobling: Deuteronomy 34:5-9 and Traditions Focussing on Mt. Nebo
Charlotte Kahane: In the Safety of the Third Reich
Sophie Kaplan: A Unique Case of Survival in the Holocaust: The Story of Bully-Salam Schott in Sachenhausen and Auschwitz
Manny Kingsley: The Crisis of Legitimacy: Orthodoxy's Reactions to Secular Leadership of Palestine Jewry in the Early Mandate Period
Fred Klarberg: On Jewish Education in Melbourne
Rachael Kohn: Ethnic Judaism and the Hebrew Christian/Messianic Jewish Movement
Geoffrey Levey: Judaism and the Obligation to Die for the State
Carmela Levy: Jewish Identity and the Unconscious
Klaus Loewald: Liberal Jewish Life in Weimar Germany
Pam Maclean: 'Who Makes Who Dirty?': German-Jewish Relations in the East During the First World War
T Muraoka: Towards a Septuagint Lexicon
Chanan Reich: Australia and the Middle East: The Political Scene
Colin Rubinstein: On the Middle East
W D Rubinstein: The Reorientation of the Australian Jewish Community, 1945-60
Suzanne Rutland: Jewish Refugee Migration to Australia: 1933-45
Myer Samra: Yisrael Rhaumana: Construction of Identity among Iraqi Jews in Sydney
Fr. W G Smith: The Present Catholic Agenda in Catholic/Jewish Relations
Geulah Solomon: Jewish Education (or Another?)
Tony Stephens: Nelly Sachs and Else Lasker: The Religious Themes of Two Jewish Poets
Zvi Steinfeld: Prostration and Stone Pavement in Talmudic Law
Max Wilcox: Some Recently Published Targumic Toseftot on Genesis and Exodus (or: Why Lamech's Wives were Uncooperative)