AAJS 1995 Conference, 9-11 July, Kimberley Gardens Conf Centre, St Kilda, Melbourne
Welcome by AAJS President
Keynote address by Professor Hans Mommsen (Ruhr-Universitaet, Bochum): The Implementation of the Final Solution in the Context of Heinrich Himmler's Resettlement Policy in Eastern Europe
Dvir Abramovich (Melbourne): Stereotypes and Myths: Female Representations in the Fiction of Amos Oz
Michael Anderson (Edith Cowan University): Jean-Paul Sartre: Jew and Anti-Semite
Dr Paul R Bartrop (University of South Australia): Democide, Genocide and Holocaust: Tightening Up Some Loose Usage
Dr Paul R Bartrop (University of South Australia): 'You ain't heard nothin' yet!': The Three Movie Versions of 'The Jazz Singer' Compared
Dr Peter Bedford (Edith Cowan University): The Diaspora Hero Comes Home: Reaffirming the Role of the Diaspora Community in Ezra-Nehemiah
Rachel Birati (Melbourne): Modern Hebrew Literature in English Translation: General and Pedagogical Considerations
Dr Ian Bickerton (University of New South Wales): America's Israel: Israel's America
Mark Braham (Sydney): The Second World War and the Purim Syndrome
Sister Marianne Dacy (University of Sydney): The Passover Controversy
Professor John Efron (Indiana University): Haskala and Healing: Jewish Medicine in the Age of Enlightenment
Dr Lionel Fredman (Newcastle): Wesley College: The Jewish Experience
Dr Rodney Gouttman (University of South Australia): The Politics of Compliance
Geraldine Jones (Sydney): Jewish Life, Thought and Culture on the Internet
Charlotte Kahane (Melbourne): Silence of the Churches in Germany 1933-45
Lee Kersten (University of Adelaide): Some Jewish Writers Writing in Germany Today
Manny Kingsley (Melbourne): Socialism, Zionism and the New Messianism: A Case Study of Menachem Elkind and Mandate Palestine
Dr Manfred Klarberg (Victoria University of Technology): Georgian Jews Under Communism
Professor Konrad Kwiet (Macquarie University): The Onset of the Holocaust: The Massacre of Jews in Lithuania in June 1941
Dr Bill Leadbetter (Macquarie University): Whose Genocide?
Dr Helen Light (Melbourne): The Jewish Museum of Australia as a Community Museum
Philip Mendes (Melbourne): From Marx to Bebel to Lenin: Anti-Semitism and Philo-Semitism in the Early Socialist Movement
Dr Peter Monteath (Flinders University): The Politics of Memory: Auschwitz as a Memorial
Glen Palmer (University of South Australia): Seventeen Children: Australia's Response to Unaccompanied German Jewish Children Seeking Refuge from Nazism in 1938-39
Dr Hilary L Rubinstein (Melbourne): Patterns of Philosemitism in Australia and Britain, 1840-1939
Professor W D Rubinstein (Deakin University): From Balfour to Biltmore: The Evolution of Zionism, 1917-45
Adrian Rudzinski (Adelaide): Polish Responses to the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Liberation of Auschwitz
Julie Ruth (Melbourne): Jewish Secular Humanist Education in Australia
Dr Suzanne D Rutland (University of Sydney): The Jewish Community and its Press: An Analysis of the Evolution of 'The Australian Jewish News'
Christine Winter (University of Hamburg): 'The Compound Leaders were very helpful': Australian Authorities and Nazi Organisations in Internment Camps During World War Two
Professor Livia Kaethe Wittman (University of Canterbury): Aspects of Jewish Identity: Women Living in New Zealand