Welcome by Professor Bernard Rechter, AAJS President
Keynote address by Professor Bettina Cass, Dean of Faculty of Arts, University of Sydney: Religion, Politics and Welfare
Dvir Abramovich (Melbourne): Jerusalem is in the Eye of the Beholder: Dialectical Visions of the City in Israeli Literature
Rabbi Raymond Apple (Sydney): Hermann Adler and the Transition in Anglo-Jewry
Rachel Birati (Monash University): The shtetl as depicted in the writings of Isaac Leib Peretz, Sholem Aleichem and Dvora Baron
Sister Marianne Dacy (University of Sydney): Jews in Egypt
Rabbi Avrum Ehrlich (Sydney): Rabbi Schneerson and the Messianic Concept
Rachel Ehrlich (Jerusalem): The Evolution of Ethnomusicology in Israel
Professor Sol Encel (University of New South Wales): Genocide, the Holocaust and Tribal Memory
Dr Lionel Fredman (Newcastle): Princes, Prophets and Pragmatists: Or Some Heretical and Humanist Thoughts About Some Jewish Heroes, Heroines and Role Models
Dr Rodney Gouttman (University of South Australia): Patterns of Philosemitism in Australia and Britain, 1840-1939
Dr Tom Kramer (Sydney): Holocaust and Genocide: Quantum Leap or the Same Difference?
Professor Bernard Rechter (Monash University): Israel into Canaan or Canaan into Israel?
Dr Chanan Reich (University of Haifa): A Comparison of the Policies and Attitudes of Labor and non-Labor Governments in Australia regarding the Establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, 1918-1950
Dr Suzanne Rutland (University of Sydney): A reassessment of the Dutch record during the Holocaust
Ludmila Stern (University of New South Wales): Soviet Holocaust Survivors in Australia, or Fifty Years Later
Veronica Sumegi (Sydney): The Present State of Hungarian Jewry
Jennifer Uhlmann (Canberra): A Bunch of Jews Defending Them Damned Niggers: Blacks and Jews in the Scottsboro Campaign