AAJS 2001 Conference, 11-12 February, Shalom College, Sydney

Welcome by AAJS President
Keynote address by Professor Yehuda Bauer: Recent Trends in Holocaust Research
Dr Dvir Abramovich: 'I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar': The Rise of Israeli Women's Prose
Paul Bartrop (Deakin): The Philosemitism of Harry James Cargas (1932-98): Jewish Suffering, Christian Guilt and the Sho'ah (as part of panel on Antisemitism, Jews & Christianity)
Ellen Ben-Sefer (UTS): Chesed: A Framework for Understanding the Sho'ah (as part of panel on Holocaust & Memory)
Dr Rachel Birati: 'The Yatir Evening Express': The Theory of the Absurd and the Realm of the Subconscious
Sophie Caplan: A Child Born in a Stable
Agnes Czeiger and Elizabeth Einfeld: Holocaust Descendant Profiles
Marianne Dacy: The Divine Name in Blessings from Qumran Texts
Shlomo Di Veroli: Towards a Critical Edition of the Mishnah
Krzysztyna Duszniak (UMelbourne): Germans, Poles and Jews: How Nazi Anti-Jewish Policy was Implemented in One Small Town (as part of panel on Holocaust & Memory)
Dr Avrum Ehrlich: The Debate Over the Reestablishment of the Sanhedrin from the Sixteenth Century till the Present
Dr Esther Faye (UMelbourne): A Long Way from Redemption: The Sho'ah's 'Remainder' in the Testimonies of the Second Generation (as part of panel on Holocaust & Memory)
Prof Richard Freadman (LaTrobe University): Always Already an Illusion? Andrew Reimer and Deracinated Jewish Autobiography
Dr Simone Gigliotti (UMelbourne): Migration of Memories (as part of panel on Holocaust & Memory)
Dr Rodney Gouttman (Monash): Pernicious Vision: A Challenge from within Australia's Extreme Right (as part of panel on Antisemitism, Jews & Christianity)
Julie Kalman (UMelbourne): From Emancipation to Destruction (as part of panel on Antisemitism, Jews & Christianity)
Orna Lankry: The Cosmology of Isaac Luria as presented by Sixteenth Century Kabbalist, Haim Vital
Dr Peter Monteath (Flinders): Australian Lutherans and the Jews
Chaim Oppermann: Language and Memory
Peta Pellach: Redemption will come through the merits of women: The contribution of Nechama Leibowitz and the new generation of women scholars
Prof Bill Rubinstein (Aberystwyth): Freud vs Jung: 'Jewish' vs 'Aryan' Psychiatry?
Dr Myer Samra: The Visit of the Rishon-le-Siyyon, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, to Australia, and its Significance
Dr Ziva Shavitsky: Yehuda Amichai's 'Not of This Time, Not of This Place': The Halving of the German Jew
Dr John Ziegler: Claims that HIV Does Not Cause AIDS: Comparison with Holocaust Denial