Welcome and introduction by Professor Andrew Markus, Conference Convenor, and Associate Professor Suzanne Rutland, AAJS President
Keynote address by Dr Zeev Mankowitz: Israel faces its Destiny: The Historic Debate on the Future of the Jewish State
Dr Dvir Abramovich: Not just kuskus, but much much more: The flowering of Sephardi Literature in Israel
Dr Paul Bartrop: The Ten Commandments and the Holocaust
Dr Bruria Bergman: The popular endorsement of the Equation of Zionism and anti-Semitism: From the Slansky trial to Durban
Dr Rachel Birati: Israel and the Diaspora as seen through the eyes of two Hebrew writers
Professor Allan Borowski: The Impact of the Introduction of Public Defenders on Israel's Juvenile Court
Ms Hannah Brodsky: Israel vs Holocaust focus in the Jewish samizdat
Dr Michael Fagenblat, Ms Melanie Landau, Dr Nathan Wolski, Ms Merav Carmeli: Bavli/Yerushalmi: Israel and Diaspora in Classical Jewish Sources
Ms Rebecca Forgasz: Rebekah the 'Patriarch'? Feminist and Rabbinic Readings of the Biblical character Rebekah
Professor Richard Freadman: Perceptions of Israel in Australian Jewish Autobiography
Dr Rodney Gouttman: Ideological partisanship or political myopia? Australian NGOs and the Israel-Palestine conflict
Professor Andrew Jakubowicz: Zydy do gazu: Notes for a grave under snow
Dr Sharon Kangisser Cohen: Finding their voices: The memory and identity of child survivors of the Holocaust in Israel
Mr Duncan Keenan: Vespasianic policy regarding Jewish religion in the aftermath of the Jewish revolt of 66-70 AD
Professor Andrew Markus: Sharon and Ashrawi in Australia
Dr Philip Mendes: Jews, Anti-Semitism and Communism: A self-fulfilling prophecy
Dr Ann Mitchell: The Bentwich Family at Home, or 'Home is Where the Heart Is': A contribution to Polish/Jewish emigration studies from the 1850s
Ms Felicity Newman: Making a Tsimmis: Foodways and the Secular Jew
Ms Peta Pellach: Interfaith Dialogue in Australia and the Issue of Israel
Professor Ranan Omer-Sherman: Post Zionist Narratives of Diasporic Vulnerability and Heroic-Nationalism
Professor Bill Rubinstein: Israel and Anti-Semitism: The picture since 1948
Assoc Professor Suzanne Rutland: 1948 and the creation of the state of Israel: A watershed period for Australian Zionism
Mr Lionel Sharpe: Joseph H Myslis: From Hebron to Coolgardie in the 1880s
Assoc Professor Ziva Shavitsky: Dvora Baron and the marginalised voice
Professor Jon Stratton: Why were the 60's so Jewish?
Reverend Dr Paul Tonson: Christian Interpretations of the Babylonian Exile as Recounted in the Prophets
Dr Deborah Weissman: Israel and the Diaspora: Separated by a common Jewishness