Conference opened by Dr Dvir Abramovich, President, AAJS
Welcome by Dr Michael Fagenblat, Convenor of the 20th AAJS Conference
Keynote address by Prof Yedidia Stern: The Identity Crisis of the State of Israel
Dvir Abramovich: Messianic Jews
Asi (Yosef) Aharonov: Educational Emissaries from Countries of Origin to Diaspora Communities: The Case of Israeli Shlichim to Australia
Mark Baker: Love in a Time of Death
Timnah Baker: Melville's Literary Engagement with Qoheleth, that 'fine hammered steel of woe'
Rob Baum: Since Shoah
Andrew Benjamin and Michael Fagenblat: The Judaism of Emmanuel Levinas
John Bigelow: Antisemitism in 'Middlemarch'
Yehuda Bauer: The Shtetl in the Context of the Holocaust
Heather Benbow: 'It's never too late to become Jewish': Jewish and German identity in Dani Levy's film
Alles auf Zucker
Merav Carmeli: The Hind and the Snake: A Contemporary Feminist Reading of the Zohar
Danielle Celermajer: Jewish Underpinnings of the Thought of Hannah Arendt
Yitzhak Conforti: The 'New Jew' Idea in Zionist Ideology and Historiography
Marianne Dacy: A People Set Apart: Reaction to the Jerusalem Temple Cult in the Damascus Document and Temple Scroll
Idan Dershowitz: 'Dwelling apart' and Creation Narratives
Yvonne Fein: Morality and Messiah: The Fine Line Separating the Sacred and the Profane
Marc Fellman: Experiencing Auschwitz: The Stories of Five Women
Rebecca Forgasz: The Ragged Edge of Jewish Life: The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Photography of Frederic Brenner
Caryn Granek: Exploring the Boundaries of Jewishness from behind the Mechitza or How to be a Feminist and a Jew
Anna Hirsh: New Paths of the Golem
Melinda Jones: The Australian State & the Law: A Threat to or Supporter of Jewish Continuity?
Peta Jones Pellach: Lonely Men of Faith: Reading the Trials of Abraham and Job as Metaphors for the Jewish Condition
Julie Kalman: Fluid Boundaries: Jews in the Orient and in France, in the Nineteenth Century
Arie Krampf: Economics and Nationalism: Three National Economic Ethoses in the History of Israel, 1911-1967
Benjamin Kunde: The Children of Abraham Living Apart: The Psychology and Sources of Arab Descent Muslim Youth Antisemitism
Melanie Landau: Kinyan and its Discontents: An Examination of Jewish Marriage as Acquisition
Ari Lander: Zionist Youth Movements in Australia
Deborah Leiser-Moore: Tashmadada - Jewish Theatre Down Under
Michelle Lesh: Israel: International Law and Politics
Daniel Lis: 'Who is a Jew?' and the Case of Judaizing Igbos from Nigeria in the State of Israel
Andrew Markus: Israel and the History Wars
Paul C. Martin: Shekhinah and Shakti: Prismatic References for the Realisation of the Infinite God
Philip Mendes: John Pilger on Israel/Palestine: A Critical Analysis of his Views and Sources
Debbie Miller: 'No one can see Me and live': Text, Trauma and Transformation
Kieran Mitchell: Between Worry, Work and War: Women in the Israeli Civil and Military Spheres
Miriam Munz: Culture, Community and Separateness
Seamus O'Hanlon: Dwelling Together, Apart: The Jewish Presence in Melbourne's First Apartment Boom
Fania Oz-Salzberger: Israeli in Berlin: Reports from an Ultimate Vantage Point
Dan Rabinovici: The Jewish Question in Contemporary Romania: Old Wine in New Bottles
Chanan Reich: The Australian Jewish Lobby - A History of Successes and Failures
Gideon Reuveni: 'Productivist' and 'Consumerist' Narratives of Jews in German History
Anna Rosenbaum: Jewish Art Inside and Beyond the Ghetto
Keren Rubinstein: Airing our Dirty Laundry? Separatism, Jewish Politics and Israel
William D. Rubinstein: The Jews of Eastern Poland Under Soviet Rule, 1939-41: Totalitarianism and Adaptation
Suzanne Rutland and Sol Encel: The Challenge of Survival - Issues Confronting Smaller Jewish Communities in Australia
Rachel Sacks-Davis: Maimonides and Spinoza on Interpretation: Some Common Ground
Ziva Shavitsky: Israelites 'In Situ' in Mesopotamian Archaeological Evidence
Jordy Silverstein: 'Oh yeah, I do the diaspora experience': Teaching Gendered Narratives of the Holocaust in Two Diaspora Locations
David Slucki:
Doikeit, Diasporas and Dwelling Apart: Bundism in Jewish Discourse
Stephen Smith: Maimonides, Spinoza, and the Messianic Age
Yedidia Stern: Conversion in Israel: From Naomi to Natasha
Helen Webberley: Landscape Painting in Palestine: Not Just Cezanne with Olive Trees
George M. Weisz: Medical Research in Warsaw Ghetto: The Heroism of Yakub Penson
Anat Wilson: Teaching of Hebrew in Victorian Secondary Schools as a Part of Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
Nathan Wolski, 'I have seen something similar among the nations of the world': The Nocturnal Delight of Jewish, Muslim and Christian Mystics
Christian respondent, Prof. Constant Mews, Director of the Centre for Religion and Theology, Monash University
Muslim respondent, Dr Salih Yucel, Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Monash University
Concluding words: Mark Baker, Director ACJC