AAJS 2014 Conference, 9-11 February, The University of Adelaide
'Jews, Judaism and Hybridity'

Welcome to Country by Kaurna man Stephen Gadlabarti Goldsmith
Opening remarks by Prof. Mike Brooks, Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, The University of Adelaide
Presentation of AAJS President's Report, Michael Abrahams-Sprod
Pratt Keynote Address by Prof. Bernard Wasserstein: The Smile of the Cheshire Cat: Reflections on Jewish Cultural Crossings in the 58th Century
Ghil`ad Zuckermann, Yitzhak Pilpel, Brian Towers: Revivalomics: Tarbutomics (Israeli Culturomics) as a Tool to Explore Hybridity and Horizontal Gene Transfer in the Hebrew Revival, 1500-2009
Michael Keren: The Blurring of the Jewish-Palestinian Divide in Sayed Kashua's Second Person Singular
Dan Avnon: On the Hybridic Nature of Israeli Political Concepts
Vicky Schinkel: The Cross-Pollination of Philosophical Notions of Interpretation in the Late 13th Century
Seth Kunin: Crypto-Jews: Structural Mediation or Christian-Jewish Hybridity
Lauren Meath: Feminism, Belief and the Yoatzot Halacha Movement: Changing Israel's Modern Orthodox Communities From Within
Exhibition by Andrew Steiner: Compassion rather than Tolerance
Omar Lum, Roshanak Amrein, Geoff Boyce, Katherine Goode (convenor): Panel on 'The Abraham Institute: Following the Path of Tikkun Olam'
Matthew Anstey: 'In the Beginning was Hybridity': the Genesis of Hybridity in Genesis
Caryn Naomi Rogers: Isaiah: One Book, Multiple Voices
Megan Turton: Deuteronomy 24:1-4: a Study in Ancient Near Eastern and Jewish Divorce Law
Lee Kersten: Sir Aubrey Lewis, an Adelaide Boy's Career
Jessica Loyer: Jewish Sabbath Cooking in Australia: One Pot, Many Meanings
Zehavit Gross, Suzanne D. Rutland: State-Integrated Schools as a Major Challenge for Jewish Education in New Zealand: a Case Study
Racheline Barda, Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky, Rebbetzin Rachel Tanny, Larry Lockshin, Avril Alba (convenor): Panel on 'The Adelaide Jewish Community'
Martin Spigelman: Syncretic Speech: Yiddish as Spoken by Hasidim Today
Dashiel Lawrence: No Messiah for Sitka: Jewish Territorialism in Alaska
Andrew Firestone: Warsaw Poet Yisroel Shtern (1894-?1942): Cabalist and Modernist Poet
Jia XU: Legends of the Kaifeng Jewish Community in China: History, Adaptability and Hybridity
Myer Samra: From Buallawn Israel to Benei Menashe
Panayiotis Diamadis: Clashing or Complementary? Judaism and Hellenism in Three Modern States (Hellas, Cyprus and Israel)
Uncle Boydie (grandson of William Cooper), Barngarla man Stephen Atkinson, Abraham (Abe) Schwarz, Andrew Steiner represented by Laurence Castle, Ghil`ad Zuckermann (convenor): Panel on 'Aboriginal People and Jews: 75th Anniversary of William Cooper's Protest Against the Nazis'
Poster viewable throughout the day: Raphael Rauch: Jews and Hybridity in Edgar Reitz's film Heimat
Avril Alba: The Holocaust Memorial Museum: a Syncretic 'Sacred Space'?
Mary Griffiths: 'Diversity Destroyed: a City Remembers 1933-1938': Memorialising Practices and the Renewal of Democratic Identity in Contemporary Berlin
Dvir Abramovich: The Past That Will Not Go Away: Israeli Literature and the Shoah
Helen Webberley: Yosl Bergner vs Tucker, Vassilieff, Perceval, Counihan, Nolan and Boyd. Who Influenced Whom?
Colin B. Picker: The Israeli Legal System and its Legal Culture: Related Hybridity
Tessa Satherley: Hybridity or Havdalah?
Michael RUAN Xiang: A General Observation and Analysis Report on Israel's Participation in the Shanghai 2010 World Expo
Michael R. Cohen: From 'Judaism in America' to 'American Judaism': Cultural Hybridity and the Reconceptualization of Traditional Jewish Practice
Felix Patrikeeff: The Jewish Communities, China and Australia, 1924-1969
Deborah Cao: Popular Perceptions of Jews and Jewish Culture in Contemporary China
A special delegation from Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China: Ping HUANG, Rui LI
Andrew Markus and Margaret Taft: Judaism and Hybridity: the Post-War Melbourne Community
Leah Garrett: Jewish American World War II Novels
Jonathan Worthen: Truth-Trial: Yahweh's Promise of Protection and the Persian Ordeal
Bill Edwards: Israel on Walkabout: Anangu Insights into Old Testament Concepts
Panayiotis Diamadis (convenor): Panel on 'Jews and Greeks' including film screening of 'Kisses to the Children' (Vasilis Loules) and discussion with Michael Tsianikas
Ran Porat: The Wandering Jew Arrives at Australia: The resurrection of an ancient myth by Ausraelis (Israelis in Australia)
Shahar Burla: David Hume's 'Sympathetic Imagination' and the Diasporic Jewish Imagination
Marianne Dacy: Jews Amongst Polytheists and Hellenists
Chris Mortensen: Maimonides as Nominalist
Ari Lobel: The Shaping of Maimonides' View of Divine Providence
Anna Hirsh: Ruin/Monument: Spaces Between Truth and Death
Michael Abrahams-Sprod: From Symbiosis to Racial Pollution: the Cases of Rassenschande (Racial Defilement) in Nazi Magdeburg
John Strehlow: German Jewish Influence on Australian Anthropology
Esther Jilovsky: Memory, Postmemory and Identity in German-Jewish Holocaust Survivors
Tsippy Levin Byron: Natalia Ginsburg (1916-1991)
Jennifer Dowling: From La Belle Maguelonne to Sheyne Mageleyne
Leah Kaminsky: The Fish Council
Conference luncheon at 1 The Strand, Port Elliot, including launch of Professor Bernard Wasserstein's new book The Ambiguity of Virtue: Gertrude van Tijn and the Fate of the Dutch Jews (Harvard University Press, 2014), introduced by Professor Jennie Shaw, Executive Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Adelaide