AAJS 2017 Conference, 12-13 February, Sydney Jewish Museum
'Narratives and Counter-Narratives: Jews, Nation and Nationhood'

Welcome and Opening Remarks by Dr Michael Abrahams-Sprod
Presentation of AAJS President's Report, Dr Michael Abrahams-Sprod
Keynote Address by Dr Rachael Kohn: Observing Jews: A Thirty Year Journey in Australia
Antoinette Collins: "Abram the Hebrew": A Comparative Discussion of the Meanings Behind and Translations of the Word 'ivri' in the Tanakh
Rachelle Gilmour: The Curious Case of Uzzah and the Ark: Multiple Representations in the Collective Memory of Ancient Israel
Deborah Berry: "Eleven days from Horeb": Deuteronomy 1:1-2 and Har Karkom
Tova Cohen: The First Jewish National Poems Written in Hebrew by a Woman: The Poetry of Rachel Morpurgo (Trieste, 1790-1871)
Sonja Hedgepeth: The German-Jewish Symbiosis Gone Awry: Reflections in the Poetry of Gertrud Kolmar
Helen Webberley: Nation Building in Jewish Paris: Astruc and Camondo
Anna Rosenbaum: A Northern Light in Prague: The Nansen Legacy to Humanity
Anna Hirsh: The Promised Land: Case Studies of (Illegal and Legal) Immigration to Pre-State Israel
Annie Thompson: The Messenger: The Correspondence of Rabbi L. A. Falk, 1938-1939
Shannon Biederman: Reframing Identity: A Numbers Game
Don Perlgut: Biblical Themed Films in the 21st Century: How Do They Reflect Jewish Nationhood?
Tony Shaw and Giora Goodman: Hollywood's Narratives of Israel from the 1940s to Today: Apathy, Adoration and Ambivalence
Peter Keeda: Betar's Participation in Armed Resistance to the Nazis in Eastern Europe as Reflected in Yizkor Books
Keynote Address by Dan Porat: State of Suspicion: Israel Prosecutes Holocaust Survivors as Nazi Collaborators
Conference Dinner, including an informal address by Avril Alba: Transmitting the Survivors' Voice: Redeveloping the Sydney Jewish Museum
Keynote Address by Sam Lipski AM: Audacity and Watershed: The Australian Light Horse Charge at Beersheba, 31 October 1917
Alex Macdonald: Going Out and Being In: Exodus and Identity in the First Century CE
Gili Kugler: Moses and Not the People: The Hidden Narrative of Deuteronomy
Lydia Gore-Jones: "But What About the Ungodly?": The Fate of Sinners in the Scheme of Israel's Redemption in 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch
Stuart A. Cohen: From Personal Eulogies to National-Religious Memorials: The Changing Narrative of Literary Tributes to Fallen Soldiers in Israel, 1948-2015
Seth Kunin: The Use of Tourism/Pilgrimage to Israel as a Mechanism for Constructing a Modern Jewish Identity
Max Kaiser: Between Nationalism and Assimilation: A Transnational Jewish Anti-Fascist Left in the Post-War Era
Lynne Swarts: Cultural Nationalism and German-Speaking Jewry: Counter-Narratives, Nationhood and National Identity
Panayiotis Diamadis: Romaniotes and Gregos
Isabelle Hesse: Piercing the Bu'ah: Israel, Palestine and Jewish Nationhood in Linda Grant's The People on the Street (2006)
Suzanne D. Rutland: The 1982 Lebanon War: The Emerging Disconnect Between the Media, the Government and Australian Jewry
Michael R. Cohen and David B. Cohen: Jewish Peoplehood and Free Market Economics: Developing Counter-Narratives through the Digital Humanities
Jennifer Creese: Negotiating "Russian-ness": Politics, Religion, Nationalism and Identity in the South Brisbane Russian Jewish Community, 1912-22
Zhang Wen: Traumatized Space in Enemies, A Love Story
Yona Gilead: A Newly Contested Narrative: Modern Hebrew Pedagogy and Students' Role in Curriculum Development
Vicky Schinkel: Interpretations of Experiences of Story, Hebrew Language and Numeric Symbolism, and Modern Forms of Narrative
Ghil`ad Zuckermann: Defying Religion and Deifying the State: Language, Religion and Nationhood in Israel in the Twentieth Century
Jan Lanicek: Feeding the Ghettoes and Camps: Parcel Schemes for Jewish Prisoners During the Second World War
Simon Holloway: Despising Talmud: Nazi Readings and Misreadings of Rabbinic Text
Yehudit Dori Deston: Ivan the Less Terrible: Demjanjuk's Israeli and German Trials
Orna Triguboff: Exile and Homecoming in Jewish Mysticism
David Solomon: The Feminine Divine in Translation: The Nation of Israel as Cosmic Myth in the Later Strata of the Zohar