AJJS, Volume XVII, 2003
Editorial introduction by Dvir Abramovich & Ziva Shavitsky (p.5)
Michael Abrahams-Sprod: 'Australien! Wo ist denn dass?' The Migration Experience of Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany (p.9)
Dvir Abramovich: Living with the Burden of a Survivor Parent: Lily-Perri Amitai's 'Golem Bema'agal' (p.33)
Ellen Ben-Sefer: Infanticide and Kiddush HaShem: An Historical Perspective (p.26)
Marianne Dacy: Paradise Lost: The Fallen Angels in the Book of Enoch (p.51)
Rodney Gouttman: Poisoned Minds, Vicious Tongues: 'The Strategy' (p.66)
Peodair Leihy: You Say Parthenos, I Say Pandera: A Jewish and Christian Exegetical Interplay (p.80)
Pam Maclean and Michele Langfield: 'Tinged by the Holocaust': Gender, War and Jewish Identities (p.88)
Philip Mendes: Denying the Jewish Experience of Oppression: The Jewish Anti-Zionism of John Docker (p.112)
Bram Mertens: 'The True Words of the Mystic': Gershom Scholem and Franz Joseph Molitor (p.131)
David Patterson: The Mystical Shape of the Soul (p.154)
Joseph P Schulz: The Four Who Entered Pardes: A Contemporary Interpretation (p.167)
Ziva Shavitsky: The People of Israel in Exile: Contacts with Aram (Syria) (p.187)