AJJS, Volume XXVI, 2012
Myer Samra: Editorial Introduction (p.5)
Chanan Reich: Australia and the 'Yom Kippur' War of 1973 (p.10)
Rawdon Dalrymple: Reflections on Chanan Reich's 'Australia and the 'Yom Kippur' War of 1973' (p.31)
Suzanne D. Rutland: Whitlam's Shifts in Foreign Policy 1972-1975: Israel and Soviet Jewry (p.36)
Heddy Shait: The Dilemma of Missing Soldiers in Contemporary Israeli Literature: Narratives of Quest and Deviation (p.70)
Ephraim Nissan and Zohar Amar: What They Served at the Banquet for the Wedding of Shim`on Nathan's Daughter: Considerations on the sense of tsvi, in the sources from East and West (p.95)
Naomi Gale: Does Education Influence Self-Esteem? A Case Study of Three Generations of Iraqi Jewish Women in an Israeli Development Town (p.130)
Mark Aarons: The Search for Nazi War Criminals in Australia (p.164)
Book Reviews
Ziva Shavitsky on Dvir Abramovich's Hebrew Classics: A Journey Through Israel's Timeless Fiction and Poetry. (p.178)
Myer Samra on Elana Benjamin's My Mother's Spice Cupboard: A Journey from Baghdad to Bombay to Bondi. (p.181)
Sanford H. Shudnow on Robert A. Burt's In the Whirlwind - God and Humanity in Conflict. (p.187)
Rachael Kohn on Elisheva Carlebach's Palaces of Time: Jewish Calendar and Culture in Early Modern Europe. (p.189)
Graeme Gill on Isaiah Gruber's Orthodox Russia in Crisis: Church and Nation in the Time of Troubles. (p.192)
Gary Eckstein on Andrew Markus and Moshe Semyonov (eds), Immigration and Nation Building: Australia and Israel Compared. (p.197)
Peter Wertheim on Barry Rubin's Israel: An Introduction. (p.199)
John S. Levi on Ziva Shavitsky's The Mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes: A Critical Survey of Historical and Archaeological Records Relating to the People of Israel in Exile in Syria, Mesopotamia and Persia up to ca. 300 BCE. (p.203)
Rachael Kohn on David Stern (trans.) with Introduction by David Stern and Katrin Kogman-Appel, The Washington Haggadah by Joel ben Simeon: a Fifteenth Century Manuscript from the Library of Congress. (p.207)
Judith Berman on Halina Wagowska's The Testimony. (p. 210)
Myer Samra on Nadia Abu El-Haj's The Genealogical Science: The Search for Jewish Origins and the Politics of Epistemology. (p. 211)