AJJS, Volume XXXI, 2018
Vicky Schinkel: Introduction (pp.5-7)
Dvir Abramovich: Fractured Voices and Tensions in a Divided Land (pp.8-26)
Ya’arit Bokek-Cohen: The Dual Role of Jewish Matchmakers: Sympathetic Helpers versus Community Boundaries Policemen (pp.27-52)
Nitza Davidovitch, Amir Haskel, Esther Wagner, Shakel Jacobson-Meyzles, Liraz Bahamam: Israeli High School Graduates’ Knowledge of the Holocaust: A Case Study (pp.53-72)
Ephraim Nissan: The Modern Jewish Experience of the Baghdadi Flat Roof in Traditional Courtyard Houses (pp.73-128)
Anne Sarzin: Sailing from Past Memories towards Safe Harbours: Sea-Change, Healing and Transformation? (pp.129-51)
Book Reviews
Jennifer Creese on Eunice G. Pollock’s (ed.) Antisemitism on the Campus: Past & Present. (pp.152-58)
Suzanne D. Rutland on Mehnaz M. Alfridi’s Shoah through Muslim Eyes. (pp.158-61)
Don Avnon on Philip Mendes and Nick Dyrenfurth’s Boycotting Israel Is Wrong: The Progressive Path to Peace between Palestinians and Israelis. (pp.162-64)
Contributors (pp.165-66)